Gearing Up for Grove Fest 2013

GroveFest 2013 LogoThe 8th annual Grove Fest returns to Manchester on Saturday, October 5th from 2pm – Midnight! Join us on Manchester Avenue between Tower Grove and Sarah for one of the best street festivals in St. Louis!

Grove Fest is an outrageously eclectic FREE street festival in the Grove, a vibrant entertainment district in St. Louis City located along Manchester between Kingshighway and Vandeventer.  Last year the festival drew over 18,000 energetic attendees, and this year is sure to amaze once again.

Matthew Green is a project manager from Park Central Development who is helping administer Grove Fest 2013.  Green gave us his take on what to expect at Grove Fest this year.

This year’s GroveFest is going to be the biggest and best yet! In this, our eighth year running, we will of course have some of the same trademark elements that make the festival so exciting each year, like street performers, public art, music and shopping. But we will also have a lot of surprises. This year we will have bigger stages bookending the festival footprint and all of the food and drink provided at GroveFest will be from Grove businesses! All of these elements should make Saturday, October 5th a wonderfully wacky and fun day in the Grove that you definitely won’t want to miss.

Music will fill the air throughout the day on 2 stages with exciting performances from the following:

  • Tef Poe
  • Old Salt Union
  • Mathias and the Pirates
  • The Blind Eyes
  • Fresh Heir
  • Hazard to Ya Booty
  • Stickley & Canan
  • Pernikoff Bros
  • Vibesteady
  • Dave Simon’s Rock School All Star Bands
  • DJ Who
  • DJ Sinamin

Be sure to follow the official GroveFest Facebook page and be on the lookout for more information to come as it is announced…See you all on October 5th!

Grove Fest 2012 011

Crowds gathered for the festivities at 2012’s Grove Fest



Bands will fill the air with diverse music!



Grove Fest has activities for people of all ages!



Artist Grace McCammond leads the group effort to complete the Made in the Grove mural 2012

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